
Showing posts from March, 2016

St Petersburg, Russia Tour

I've always had a fascination about the USSR its history and how it is now, more especially I was very fascinated with Russia its history and the present. I recieved a great opportunity to go to St Petersburg Russia( the city that was the Capital of Russia before Moscow) on a Rotary tour. Needless to say St Petersburg has ALWAYS been one of the destinations on my travel list. I had the great privillege of being able to go and experience it for what it has to offer. Two Days before the departure I was facing some health problems with people asking me is it really necessary for me to go in My condition, and honestly I couldnt care how I felt this is Russia after all. 24 March 2016 the big day came bags packed, heart excited feeling a lot healthier and simply impatient to get going I finally left for Russia. It was so great meeting other Exchange Students (my oldies namely) and of course reuniting with my fellow newbies. After countless stops at authority points checking our docume