Finally starting school
While all my friends are preparing to move out of home and start the adult life at their various universities, here I am thousands of kilometers away in the warm weather of -5°C making my way to Kannak sen Lukio along with my host father ,Juri, or as we affectionately call him Jurppa ( and no that name was not of my choosing I was told of it my first day here). We arrived at school and had a meeting with the principal after choosing my courses that are to start after 2 weeks because of the pending test week. For those that know me know that art isn't my strong point I however chose it as one of my courses. One would think school would be similar it however gave me the biggest culture shock since my arrival. Including the amount of stares received but hardly any greeting, I took the power into my hands to greet people but the number of scared looks I received scared even me. The amount of trust that is between teacher and student is amazing even to an extent of calling the teachers ...