
Showing posts from June, 2016

Food?...why not

So I think its time I write about the thing that almost everyone enquires about when they find out someone they know is moving abroad. Questions such as "what food do they eat there?" "Do they have a certain type of food?" "Wont you miss our food?" are often asked so I'll try answer what I can now. Lets start with Staples. Coming from South Africa our staple food is "pap" (made from maize meal), the Chinese have rice, Italians have Pasta, and guess what the Finns have... Potatoes. One would think that in a country like Finland with such climate vegetation wouldnt thrive (except for the berries here of course). However even though the weather is icy during winter and wet in the summer food actually does grow here. So me being a potato fanatic seems I landed in the right country. I mean who doesnt like potatoes  like a popular meme says "potatoes are the back bone  of food the real MVP". Well here in Finland potatoes are the backbone...